
This Blog is about Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Investing: A forum to discuss issues related to starting & growing a venture; international or regional expansion; Angel & Venture Capital funding; IPO issues & Government Policy.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Touchdown Los Angeles

Sorry for not posting the last couple of days...impossible to log on to blogger to post.

Anyway just landed in LA on a biz trip also to visit the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas. Supposedly the biggest in the world, I am looking fwd to it. I will post some pictures.

Winter in LA is a breeze, just wore a shirt & it was fine. Must be global warming again. Many years ago when I was first here (1987) even their autumn was cold, now winter is almost like late spring.

Maybe we should all support alternative energy initiatives like Vinod Khosla, only then can we save planet earth. Now there's a man who can do good & make money too.

BTW I am connected to the net on broadband in my hotel room for FREE. Is that great or what? Not like the mega bucks they charge in Malaysian hotels. Perhaps there's a biz model there somewhere. Broadband the hotels of the world for free & offer other services via advertising or travel services or something.

Well have to make this short, jetlagged & its 10 pm, time to catch some zzzzzz.


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