
This Blog is about Entrepreneurship, Innovation & Investing: A forum to discuss issues related to starting & growing a venture; international or regional expansion; Angel & Venture Capital funding; IPO issues & Government Policy.

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Blogging is tough business

Hi all, boy this blogging is tough business. Just realised that I haven't posted for an entire month....bad boy Siva. But really its not easy keeping up with my projects & blogging everyday. I really admire the guys who do this. Ok lets see if I can keep this going.

I found an interesting site on Elevator Pitching, which essentially is about how entrepreneurs should be able to tell someone their business idea or concept in 30 seconds. In the good old days thats apparently how you pitch your idea to a busy VC. Maybe the US VCs still don't have time but I am sure Asian VCs do. Regardless being able to condense your biz into a 30 min pitch is important. So check out this link.


  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger ljk said…

    Hey Siva,
    Just dropping by. Don't get discouraged with the blogging. Keep at it and it will come. Want to mention an article in the economist about BAT (Better alternative trading system) - Nasdaq's nemsis (March 17th). Your post about creative Americans brought that to mind...

    Now this American needs a rest :-)


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